Common Concerns

Whether it’s acne, wrinkles, or dark spots, there are ways to address common skin concerns and help keep your skin looking healthy.

Wrinkles, Fine Lines & Sagging Skin

Fine lines and wrinkles were caused by repetitive movement, such as laughter lines and crow’s feet that develop due to sun exposure, weight loss, or aging.

Thorough  assessment and skin analysis of your skin is recommended to discuss with you your desired result and determine the best treatment for you

Wrinkles are an inevitable sign of ageing. Laughing, concentrating, squinting or frowning; whenever you move your face your muscles contract. After years of frequent contraction, combined with environmental and lifestyle factors – such as exposure to sunshine, smoking or pollution – lines and wrinkles begin to form

As we age, collagen and elastin in the skin begin to deplete, causing it to lose its natural firmness and elasticity.

  • SWISS PyhtoBiotech Stem Cell Program

Presents a breakthrough in Anti-Aging treatments. It is the synthesis of modern Swiss technology skin care science and time-tested traditions drawing on restoring and rejuvenating benefits of selected plants and natural extracts.

The Exclusive Advanced Technology Action helps the reverse course of the aging process through:

  1. Preventing and reversing the process of glycation-induced aging
  2. Restoring firmness and suppleness to the skin
  3. Reducing yellowing and dark spots for a brighter and more radiant skin


  • Dermapen® Collagen Induction Therapy 

Dermapen is a world-renowned skin needling tool known for its ability to tackle the most frustrating skin issues among women. Dermapen treatment utilises the concept of collagen induction therapy, a skin rejuvenation technique that “induces” or stimulates the production of collagen to cover skin imperfections including wrinkles, fine lines, scars, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks and acne.

  • Anti-ageing injectables

The muscles in your face contract due to a signal sent from the brain via nerves. Non-surgical anti-ageing injectables work by interrupting this signal, leaving the muscles relaxed and unable to crease the skin.

  • Dermal fillers

For deeper, more established wrinkles, dermal fillers may be considered. Treatment involves injecting a medically developed solution under the skin with a fine needle to plump and fill lines and grooves.They have almost immediate results (from 48 hours following treatment) and last up to 12 months.

N.B  * All injectable treatments are performed by a registered Appearance Nurse and by appointment on specific days only. 



Acne & Breakouts

There are many different types of acne, which makes a personalised treatment plan very important. We highly recommend skin acne consultation, to be able to diagnose the type of acne you have and grade its severity as either mild, moderate or severe.

  • Acne can affect all skin types and all ages, and may be caused by a combination of genetics, hormone changes, health, stress and or environmental factors. Hormones can stimulate excess sebum (or oil) production, excess oil, dry skin and debris combined can become trapped in the pore. If the pore becomes blocked the acne bacteria can cause inflammation and can make the skin more susceptible to other bacteria.

Swiss Bio-Clear Skin Peels
Acne Peel
We use phytobiologic sebum-regulating ingredients to prevent the formation of pimples and blackheads.  Glycolic acid peels to keep acne and breakouts at bay by clearing congestion and dissolving the oil, sebum and dead skin cells that block the pores.

Dermapen® Acne Treatment 

Dermapen® 4 micro-needling regenerates the affected area by stimulating the production and distribution of collagen. You will see an overall improvement in the appearance of problematic skin breakouts, black/whiteheads, acne reduced, and scarring minimised.

Pigmentation & Sun Damage

Abnormal pigmentation can be caused by free radicals which are damaging agents that disrupt the normal function of a skin cells, exposure to the sun and over production of melanin.

We offer a range of skin treatments for pigmentation problems. Book a consultation to discuss your concerns, answer your questions and recommend the right course of skincare treatment for you.

Common causes of hyperpigmentation are:

  • over-exposure to the sun
  • genetics
  • hormonal changes
  • medical conditions and trauma to the skin (such as burns or as a result of spots and picking).

Skin Peels
Skin Peels harness the power of naturally occurring acids and active ingredients to deeply exfoliate and brighten the skin. The treatment stimulates new cell growth and collagen production, helping to reveal fresher, clearer, brighter skin. We offer a variety of industry leading Skin Peels that involve applying a non-toxic chemical solution to the skin that removes the top layer of dead skin cells and encourages new ones to grow, revealing the softer, smoother skin beneath.

Dermapen® Pigmentation

Unlike some Laser treatments, Dermapen® 4 removes the risk of heat injury and hypopigmentation risks, whilst promoting optimised cell function. Therefore, this makes it a suitable procedure for any skin type and ethnicities affected by melasma (pigmentation) and with a predisposition to hyperpigmentation. Dermapen® 4 treatments have also been found to be effective on Hypopigmentation Vitiligo treatments, working to reverse the production of hyperpigmentation and melasma.


Acne Scarring & Enlarged Pores

Acne scarring is often caused from the picking and squeezing of inflamed spots or the picking of scabs from dried breakouts.

UV exposure, without with the use of SPF, can make the skin hyperpigment causing marks, and scarring can be a result of the body trying to repair itself.

book a consultation with one of our skincare specialists who will examine your acne scars and skin, answer your questions and recommend the right course of treatment for you.

1. Dark and Light Scars – these superficial scars generally heal and are barely visible within 3-6 months.

2. Raised Scars – this would include Hypertrophic Scars which are raised, they commonly occur on bendable areas of the skin (back, knees and elbows) and result from the stretching of wound edges while healing. Keloid Scars that tend to grow outside the border of the initial injury, and can become large, painful or itchy.

3. Indented Scars – The most common scar type and are most often seen on the face (where acne has been present). This is caused when not enough scar tissue has formed and therefore does not match up with the surrounding skin.

Skin Peels
Skin Peels harness the power of naturally occurring acids and active ingredients to deeply exfoliate and brighten the skin. The treatment stimulates new cell growth and collagen production, helping to reveal fresher, clearer, brighter skin. We offer a variety of industry leading Skin Peels that involve applying a non-toxic chemical solution to the skin that removes the top layer of dead skin cells and encourages new ones to grow, revealing the softer, smoother skin beneath.

Dermapen Treatments for Scarring – remodelling, reduction and/or removal are among the most successful outcomes for non surgical interventions. Particularly with the new Dermapen 4 dedicated SCAR TREATMENT function that can assist in the treatment of most types of scarring on various parts of the body. Rejuvenating Fractional micro channels are formed in the skin that actively break up existing scar tissue. This encourages the production and distribution of new collagen that will work to build healthy, thicker and firmer skin in the scarred region. You will notice that the skin will be smoother and far more even.

Depending on your symptoms, recommended treatments are: 

4-6 Sessions

60-90 Minutes

4-6 Weeks Apart

Redness, Dry & Sensitive Skin

Why is my face so red and sensitive?
Facial redness can be caused by a host of conditions, including sun damage, rosacea, seborrhea, and acne. If you’ve been dealing with rough, red skin and want to alleviate this sometimes painful condition, it is important to learn what might be causing your facial redness and sensitivity.

  • Dry skin is often associated with sensitive skin, because keeping moisture in your skin from the inside becomes difficult to retain. In general, sensitive skin refers to the skin condition that easily breaks out in rashes, gets blotchy red, burns or stings.
  • Rosacea is a non-contagious, chronic inflammatory condition characterized by sporadic heat (flushing), persistent erythema and telangiectasia. True rosacea only affects facial skin, beginning around the nose (or central face), then extending in a bilateral, butterfly pattern across the cheeks. In the most severe of cases, rosacea may then spread to the forehead and chin areas also in a bilateral appearance. Rosacea does not affect body skin.


There are 3 traditional types of rosacea that may be diagnosed on the skin:

1. Erythematotelangiectatic – Chronic inflammation
2. Papulopustular – Includes papules and pustules
3. Phymatous – Characterized by thickening of the skin, particularly on the nose

Rosacea Dermapen™ treatments work in four ways to reduce the appearance of rosacea and associated symptoms:

1. Normalize angiogenesis
2. Release regulatory growth factors
3. Increase dermal and epidermal integrity
4. Break down phymatous tissue

  • Redness, Dry sensitive Skin

 Skin Infusion Treatment

A gentle skin saviour for redness and dehydration
This treatment uses sound waves to allow skin-boosting ingredients to go deep into the skin and increase cell turnover, strengthen capillaries, target redness, dehydration, tone and texture.

  • LED PDT Red light Therapy

Helps to reduce redness, swelling, itching, the dry/tight feeling, the burning feeling, and even the little pimple-like bumps seen in the second rosacea subtype. For many, myself included, red light can stop the burning feeling within minutes of the first treatment.

Benefits of Red Light for Rosacea Treatment
  • Decreases inflammation (which can reduce swelling, redness, and other skin discomforts)
  • Boosts the rate of skin healing for faster results
  • Reduces the time needed to manage rosacea flushing
  • Helps to heal existing acne rosacea and redness without any added irritation
  • Assists in the prevention of worsening/progressing rosacea symptoms
  • Drug-free with no reported long- or short-term side effects
  • 100 percent natural and non-invasive
  • Painless
  • No down-time

Stubborn Fat Zones

Cryolipolysis or Fat Freezing is the next generation fat reduction treatment. It has helped thousands of people get rid of unwanted or stubborn fat and is definitely the most innovative and fastest way to get the results you want. It involves no needles, no surgery, no downtime and can help contour your body to your desired results.

• Improper Estrogen Levels in the Body. The natural estrogen level of the body is maintained within normal limits by the body’s ability to substitute them. 
• Irregular Dietary Habits
• Large Meals
• Processed Foods
• Alcohol and Fizzy Drinks
• Sedentary Lifestyle

Cryolipoysis Fat Freezing Treatment
Fat freeze is a FDA-cleared alternative to liposuction that uses Cryolipolysis a technology to kill unwanted far cells safely and effectively. No anesthesia is needed and no incisions are required. With targeted cooling, the attention area is safely chilled to damage the fat cells without harming surrounding skin or tissue.

This procedure delivers precisely controlled cooling to target the fat cells underneath the skin. Treated fat cells are crystallised, destroyed, and then over time your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells. The result? A more sculpted you!

Water Retention, Heavy Legs & Poor Blood Circulation

Symptoms such as tiredness, weight gain, getting sick easily, depression, cold hands and feet, feeling stiff and sore when you wake up or during evening, heavy body, bloated belly, swollen legs, arms, fingers, thighs, hips, feet and ankles, edema and lymphedema are results of poor blood circulation and sluggish lymphatic drainage.

Water, or fluid, retention occurs when there is a problem with one or more of the body’s mechanisms for maintaining fluid levels. The main symptoms are swelling and discomfort.

The circulatory system, the kidneys, the lymphatic system, hormonal factors, and other bodily systems all help maintain healthy fluid levels. If a problem arises with one or more of these systems, however, fluid retention — otherwise known as edema — can occur.

Compression therapy is proven to dramatically reduce fluid retention and bloating and therefore achieve inch loss on legs, bottom and stomach. This relaxing yet effective treatment also improves the texture and tone of the skin, reducing cellulite and stimulates the digestive tract.

This high quality compression therapy system was devised originally as a medical treatment for Lymphoedema and stimulates the Lymph cells to work therefore flushing out the system. It compliments Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) techniques to dramatically reduce swelling and improve patient health.

Why not come for a free consultation and free trial.

One treatment will give you a feeling of body lightness, while a course of treatments will give you stunning results.

Book a FREE Consultation